
PHP 8.3: New Features, Deprecations, and More

PHP 8.3: New Features, Deprecations, and More

PHP 8.3, released in late 2023, is the latest iteration in the PHP 8.x series, bringing an array of new features, deprecations, and performance improvements. This article dives into the key changes introduced in PHP 8.3, complete with examples to help you better understand and implement these updates in your projects.

New Features in PHP 8.3

1. Readonly Classes

PHP 8.3 introduces readonly classes, which ensures that all properties of the class are readonly by default. This feature is particularly useful for creating immutable objects, where once a property is set, it cannot be modified.


readonly class User {
    public string $name;
    public string $email;

    public function __construct(string $name, string $email) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->email = $email;

$user = new User('Alice', '');
// $user->name = 'Bob'; // Error: Cannot modify readonly property User::$name

In the example above, attempting to modify the $name or $email properties after the User object is instantiated will result in an error.

2. Fetching Properties of Enum Cases

PHP 8.3 enhances enums by allowing direct fetching of properties from enum cases. This makes enums more versatile, especially when dealing with related data.


enum Status {
    case Draft;
    case Published;
    case Archived;

    public function label(): string {
        return match($this) {
            self::Draft => 'Draft',
            self::Published => 'Published',
            self::Archived => 'Archived',

$status = Status::Published;
echo $status->label(); // Outputs: Published

Here, the label() method directly fetches the label associated with each enum case.

3. Decorator Syntax

PHP 8.3 introduces decorator syntax, allowing attributes to be used as decorators. This simplifies code and enhances the functionality of attributes.


function processOrder(int $orderId) {
    // Order processing logic

// The #[LogExecutionTime] decorator could automatically log the execution time of the processOrder function.

Decorators like #[LogExecutionTime] can now modify or extend the behavior of the code they annotate, without needing additional boilerplate.

4. Standalone Null, True, and False Types

PHP 8.3 allows null, true, and false to be used as standalone types. This enables more precise type declarations and better handling of specific return values.


function findUser(string $username): User|null {
    // Returns a User object if found, or null if not found
    return $user ?? null;

$result = findUser('alice');
if ($result === null) {
    echo "User not found.";

This approach makes it clear that the findUser function can return either a User object or null.

5. JSON Error Handling Enhancements

JSON error handling has been improved in PHP 8.3, offering more consistent and informative error messages during JSON encoding or decoding.


$json = '{"name": "Alice", "age": 25';

$data = json_decode($json, true);
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
    echo 'JSON Error: ' . json_last_error_msg(); // Outputs: JSON Error: Syntax error

With better error messages, diagnosing issues with JSON data becomes easier.

Deprecations in PHP 8.3

1. Dynamic Properties Deprecation

Dynamic properties, which were flagged in PHP 8.2, continue to be deprecated in PHP 8.3. Accessing or creating dynamic properties that aren't explicitly declared in the class will trigger deprecation warnings.


class User {
    public string $name;

$user = new User();
$user->email = ''; // Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property User::$email

To avoid deprecation warnings, declare all properties within the class or use magic methods like __get() and __set().

2. String Interpolation with Curly Braces

PHP 8.3 deprecates the use of curly braces {} for string interpolation in certain contexts, such as arrays and object properties.


$name = 'Alice';
echo "Hello, {$name}"; // Valid
echo "Hello, ${name}"; // Valid

// Deprecated usage:
$array = ['name' => 'Alice'];
echo "Hello, {$array['name']}"; // Deprecated

Developers are encouraged to use simpler interpolation methods, such as directly embedding variables within strings.

3. Deprecation of utf8_encode() and utf8_decode()

The utf8_encode() and utf8_decode() functions are deprecated in PHP 8.3. These functions are replaced by more robust alternatives, like mb_convert_encoding().


$string = "Héllo Wórld!";
$encoded = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1');
echo $encoded; // Outputs correctly encoded UTF-8 string

This change encourages the use of multibyte string functions, which handle character encoding more reliably.

Performance Improvements

PHP 8.3 brings further optimizations to the Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler, which was introduced in PHP 8.0. These enhancements improve performance, especially for CPU-bound tasks, making PHP faster for complex operations.

Additionally, PHP's memory management has been refined, reducing overhead and improving efficiency for applications that handle large amounts of data.


PHP 8.3 continues the evolution of PHP by introducing new features that make the language more powerful and easier to use, while also deprecating outdated functionality. With features like readonly classes, enhanced enums, and standalone types, developers can write cleaner and more maintainable code. However, it's important to pay attention to deprecations to ensure your codebase remains future-proof.

As you upgrade to PHP 8.3, consider refactoring your code to leverage these new features and address any deprecated functionality. This will not only improve your application's performance but also align it with modern PHP development practices.

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